One of the most important historic transitions has been taking place in Asia since the mid nineteen hundreds. With the demolish of kingship with the overthrow of Qing Dynasty after the rise of revolutions such as Xinhai Revolution at the beginning of the twentieth century gave rise to the formation of a liberal China. However, Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the liberated China did not live long enough to create a democratic China and soon, China grew into a Communist society under the leadership of Mao and the communist government controlled the whole China.
Though the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are seen as the most important historic period of the whole world, China in contrary fell to the victim of growth of the Maoist system. With the firm establishment of the Maoist government, the welfare of people of China became less important in front of the economic welfare of the country. The one party communist government of China got in the hands of a very few people.
Inside China, the freedom of press and free flow of information is completely absent and the government keeps a 100% censorship about the press and media. The most visible conflicts between the government of China and Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are a clear sign of absence of transparency in the functioning of the government. The greatest odd is that majority of the Chinese population are lured by the censored information of the media inside China and they are completely ignorant of the truth outside their county and the country. There is no free flow of internet knowledge, press and business as well. In fact, tourism in China is one of the most manipulated areas of economy of the country.
So the point is clear here. The role of Chinese for the liberation of Tibet is highly overwhelming. When the media censorship in China fails, they will lose the trust of the citizens to whom the Dalai Lama and Tibet are a Terrorist group fighting to destruct the unity of the nation! The truth of peaceful struggle led by the Dalai Lama for a resolution based on mutual benefit will be heard by the people of China for the first time and start regretting about the hatred they bore against the Dalai Lama will bring about an untold tie of friendship.
When democracy in China come out to be a reality, there is no stopping to the realization of a Free Tibet....