DHARAMSHALA, March 4: The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) which is currently holding its World Congress has passed a resolution supporting the March from here to the Indian Capital New Delhi. IUSY Vice-President Rafeela David from Philippines said that the resolution reaffirms Tibet as an Independent nation and condemns China’s illegal occupation of Tibet.
The IUSY World Congress, held between Feb. 28 and March 2 in Copenhagen, Denmark, was opened by Mogens Lykketot, Chairman of Danish Parliament and former president of Danish Social Democrats.
The President of Tibetan Youth Congress, Tenzing Jigme, addressed the meeting that was attended by over 200 delegates from 75 different countries. Jigme highlighted the current situation inside the Tibet and the spate of self-immolations there. TYC’s Uprising March campaign started on Feb 8 in Dharamshala and ends on March 10 in Delhi.
“We must use every opportunity, every stage, every moment we get to speak for Tibet and expose the truth,” said TYC President Jigme. He added that the support he has received and the solidarity for Tibet has been tremendous. Jigme hopes that attending this conference will give an opportunity to network with other youth organizations from around the world, especially with those from Asia Pacific region and see how “we can work together to hold China accountable for their actions in Tibet. “
The IUSY World Congress is held every two years to determine the organization’s policies and its implementations. IUSY was founded in 1907 and is the largest international political youth organization in the world with about 150 member organizations from more than 100 countries fighting for democratic socialism, freedom, human rights, equality, democracy and international solidarity.