
Saturday, 6 October 2012

China railways record 1.44 bn passengers carried

China's railways which completed just a few years back on the highest plateau of the world has a record that it has already ferried about 1.44 billion passenger in just the first three quarters of the year which is about 4 percent up by last year. With this much of hectic railways plying, the poor Tibet prefecture which is directly linked with this railways is already diminishing fast in its population with the transfer of population! Tibetans have become minorities with Chinese people shifting to Tibet in this much of large numbers!
Another statement was found saying that the country's railways delivered 2.91 billion tonnes of good. The trains have particularly transported 1.68 billion tonnes of coal, 102.35 million tonnes of oil, 76.16 millions tonnes of grain and 68.75 million tonnes of fertilizer and pesticide. 
This round figure can easily provide us an idea of how much the transport trains might be plied for the transport of mines from the Tibetan territory to China. The prime objective of constructing the railway line to Lhasa was to transport population and natural resources. They have transport extensive quantity of copper, gold and especially wood.
There is this urgent need of saving Tibet from the Chinese government that is fleecing off the naturally rich resource field of the world whose survival sustains larger part of Asia!

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