
Sunday, 16 June 2013

What the RTYC, Bangalore should mind?

There has been a recent unrest among the members of the Tibetan Youth Congress(TYC) extending to about 100 regional chapters across the world regarding the highly sensitive part, the stand of the TYC itself. Its quite a shame to have aroused such an ignorant question against the central body itself of all these chapters to change the stand of the congress! What is so special about the TYC? It's determination and the strength to raise the voice of every Tibetan to restore the Tibetan Independence which has always been a fact cruelly crushed by the PRC. Its has been graciously embraced by every common Tibetan with so much hope and faith from both within and outside of Tibet because it stood there to work for the Tibetan cause whatsoever! It was not shattered of its aims and objectives once promised during the foundation when the Tibetan Government in all the positive senses changed the policy of approach to the Tibetan cause to the gracious middle way approach unanimously accepted by the majority of the Tibetan population. What kept the TYC alive was to the sense that they kept the very root of struggle alive and its what keeps it going too. They very origin of the TYC comes out to be the first generation of Tibetans in exile after the generation that escaped from Tibetan during 1959. In other sense, they were the first of our kinds, educated and brought up in a free nation and it is what triggered them as would it trigger you that the very own nation of Tibetans should be restored and justified!

There is misconception obvious to erupt out there from the very aims and objectives of the TYC itself. From the very four points there, the first and the last seems to contradict each other, the guidance that His Holiness is giving to the Tibetans is the very middle way approach in contrary to complete independence of Tibet. But what I read of this contradiction is a just a mistake of the use of the words and the TYC itself has been formed on the firm ground a believe in the complete independence of Tibet.

There has never been any accusation against the TYC for going against His Holiness the Dalai Lama, neither from the His Holiness himself nor from CTA? A mismatch of belief and aspiration has been said to be welcome in structure of governance presided then by the His Holiness and now by Dr. Lobsang Sangay! There may be quite a few individuals making mistakes taking the name of the TYC and it is understandable to the fact that the individual does not to the whole represent the TYC and are disposable. I have heard much of praise about the TYC from His Holiness himself and many others.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been the saviour of all Tibetans and people across the borders. His visions about the Tibetan cause has been exceptionally spellbound from granting democratic systems to the Tibetans to formulating the middle way policy. His wisdom and his gracious presence in the Tibetan world has kept the hope of a free Tibet and China shaken. These are the practical steps of the Tibetan cause and this should mandatory that the CTA walk through these guidelines as is believed by the mass majority of the Tibetans. But TYC is never in any sense linked in its formulation of the aims and objectives to the CTA and its stand should never be influenced by any other forces how much ever impractical it may be because of its root being connected to truth and belief! The TYC is not the governing body of the Tibetan people but a platform for the true believers of Tibetan Independence to step up and serve for the cause of Tibet.

What is going on with the RTYC Bangalore is quite absurd! There are several Regional chapters of the TYC, including Bangalore, during the 15th General body meeting of the TYC who boycotts the day three meeting because they believed in middle way approach not Independence. But they had promised to cooperate under the TYC if the TYC changed its stand of complete independence. Well this is a fair enough proposal! But what is going with the Bangalore chapter is quite more complicated and immature. They have proposed to drop out its affiliation to the TYC centrex but with the use of the name and their logo because they hopes to rejoin if the TYC accepts their proposal of changing their stand! But as far as I am concerned, I think as long as they are using the name and logo of the TYC, they come under the TYC and should abide by its regulations. 

TYC has clearly mentioned the membership terms and as long as one does not accept those terms, your allegiance to the TYC is not complete and you presence or absence in the congress is meant to be insignificant. Even if there is no candidate accepting the terms of membership of the TYC, the least they can do is to close the chapter until a suitable candidate comes up rather than forcing the centrex(TYC). As far as dropping from the affiliation to the centrex TYC, it should be done completely. A physics student is irrelevant to suggest any changes in the syllabus of the English course. 

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