
Monday, 2 September 2013

Excerpt: China must be active to avoid the free-Tibet conspiracy

Dirgha Raj Prasai
Dirgha Raj Prasai
All things are right. But, national integration in the most issue of China. In reality, the crucial point is that the CIA is very active to break China in the name of Free Tibet.  And then, without analysis the situation of country no leadership can success to intact the country's existence. So, it is necessary to maintain the sensitive policy to eradicate the conspirator roles of western countries in the name of Free-Tibet. It was a serious mistake by China to be the first to present letter of credential to the so-called head of the state when the King was still remained the bona-fide head of state. Presenting the letter of credential-2006 by the Chinese ambassador to Prime Minister Late Girija Prasad Koirala taking him as head of the state (?) was against the international norm and practice. This ploy was actually designed by RAW and CIA the Indian and American intelligence agency. The evidences are showing that since monarchy was weakened in Nepal that anti-China activities have suddenly increased. It is say that China had invited free Tibet itself since 2006. 

Before 2005, China was in favor of Nepalese monarchy for its security. When communism was at its height in China, Chinese leader Mao from his sick bed had told late King Birendra that China understood it quite well that Nepal's sovereignty had been protected only because of monarchy in Nepal. Although communists are basically anti-monarchy, China always remained in favor of monarchy in Nepal. This amply tells why China always put its faith on King Mahendra and never believed Nepalese communist leaders. Chinese analysis during the Maoist time was that Nepalese communists wear a revolutionary cloak they have always remained puppets of the Indian designs. This character of the Maoist leaders Prachanda and Baburam Bhattarai had and has been mobilizing (since-2002 according to SD Muni) according to the RAW design and other communists of Nepal, because of their relations with RAW has always been turning Nepal into another Sikkim or Bhutan. That is why they are encouraging and helping anti-China activities in Nepal. 

After the accession to the throne-2001, King Gyanendra and Queen Komal had visited China (almost 10 years ago) and had expressed- 'China was a reliable and trustworthy friend of Nepal. The King had talks with President Jiang Zemin in Beijing. The other senior Chinese leaders calling on him included Li Peng, chairman of the standing committee of the National People’s Congress, vice president Hu Jintao and premier Zhu Rongji.The leaders, who appreciated Nepal’s support on the issue of Tibet, expressed Beijing’s full support for and understanding of the efforts of the King and his government to safeguard Nepal’s sovereignty, unity and stability. Beijing reiterated that no interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country should be allowed and that China would work with Nepal along the lines mapped out by the leaders of both countries to consolidate their friendship.
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